
Sues equine image "Blue" sold to Finger Lakes girlfriend Kathy! Thank-you. 

Thank you Kathy for giving " Blue" a home after many years of waiting! So... Kathy and I had not seen each other in a few years. She came to a Saratoga equine shop where I had my equine image "Blue" for sale. She loved the image and then discovered it was by an old friend... Me! She contacted me to buy it. It had disappeared from the store!!! It took a while but because of a store move it too had been put away . I got the call. They found "Blue!" I went to retrieve it. I then personally delivered it to Kathy out in the Finger Lakes. She is a Happy Camper. Thank you girlfriend! 


PS- I have a number of enlarged and framed equine images for sale. Call for appt to view. Limited edition framed images make great gifts for home, birthdays, anniversary celebrations! 




2022: Sues photos featured in author and historian Don Rittners "History of the Altamont Fair"

In 2022, author / historian Don Rittner has finally produced his HUGE "History of the Altamont Fair." The fair spotlights three counties - Schenectady, Albany, and Greene County.  Car racing and horse racing were big attractions back in the day but finally faded away in favor of the current programs which focus more on the  agriculture. Don included numerous Atamont Fair photos from Sues collection.  




"Your Hometowne Magazine" 2022!!!

2022 - The last four covers of "Your Hometowne Magazine" have featured my photography. It's been too much fun! Friends and family have sent congrats! Cheryll Hill is blown away by my photography work. I am  blessed! I hope to buy a new yacht and go sailing with her with this gig... or at least become locally rich and famous.


November 2021 - WOW!!!

I shot the front cover of Your Hometowne AGAIN (Thanks Editor Cheryll Hill!)  AND ... a photo of mine was chosen as "Photo of the Week " by Saratoga Today! I submitted work for two upcoming art shows. 1)  National Bottle Museum JRM Artist Space, and 2) Saratoga Arts All member show. Both shows will be opened by November 20, 2021 and closed January 2022. Look at my events schedule for artist reception times / dates and show start/end dates.   And... I have decided to volunteer one afternoon a week at the National Bottle Museum in Ballston Spa. Gotta meet with the Board first week in December... then I will start.  I buttoned up my beloved Rockwell Harmon Cottage the end of October. It will be used  one more time for a weaving class and then the Holiday Stroll... then,  because it is not heated, the water has to be drained and cottage closed. See you next Spring! Stay Healthy. Happy Holidays. Do good works. And love the one you're with. Sue 


SPOT COFFEE - Sue's Summer of 2021 Photography Exhibit - JULY and AUGUST 2021

Sue has 14 images on exhibit and for sale at SPOT COFFEE in Saratoga. If you are interested in a purchase, simply email me or call the number as directed on my business card. Can't live without it and need it yesterday? Call me. I will come up and assist you in taking it home.

Below: "KISS"