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Sue throws her hat in ring for APE 24 hour Playfest 2019!!!

Sue will be submitting a writing examply to be considered as a writer for the upcoming "Art In the Public Eye 24 hour Playfest 2019." 

How to enter -

Submit writing examply - 10 pages or less, of a play writing example by APE  deadline. Jury pool selects ten writers from over a hundred  that entered examples, to write, and perform, a new play written by the selected writer(s), in February, with STIPULATIONS. 

IF you are chosen as a writer - FEBRUARY - On Playfest weekend - Friday night. You meet your director and three actors.  You are given a new  theme to write a play about, and a WORD you HAVE to use in the new play. You are sent home at midnight. In five hours you, as a selected writer, create, then submit the play. You  email it to the Playfest organizer. She gives it to the Director and the actors of your chosen group at 8 AM Saturday.  They rehearse all day. All ten plays are performed that night and voted on by the audience.    

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