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1/12/11 - "Horse Whisperer" is accepted into juried show, at Pacific Art League Gallery in California! 

I was notified of the juried acceptance today -1/12/11!  The show will be at  the Pacific Art League  Gallery, of Palo Alto, California. The juror is Elizabeth Mitchell Burton  DeeDee  McMurty; Curator of Prints, Drawings and Photographs, at the Cantor Center for the Visual Arts, Stanford University. The Pacific Art Gallery  Director told me that  40 pieces of artwork,  (which includes sculpture, paintings, drawings  and other forms of art  / paper,)  from a pool of  over 200 artists entries, had been selected, to form this juried show. 

This is the first time I have entered my work into a  Pacific Art League juried show, so am quite pleased to have had "HORSE WHISPERER" selected for this California show. The  Pacific Art League has over 400 members, and this  shows  juried call for entry was  opened up to include members, non- members,  and all artists in the USA!!!

"Horse Whisperer" continues to draw in fans!!!

"Horse Whisperer's" companion print is "Arizona Houdini," which also  showcases an equine subject. Both prints have horses that belonged to the same ranch / stable. Both equine prints have been juried into other shows and have won awards.  

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