Blog Stuff for 2024/2025!!! 


Entries by Sue Photography (139)


Saturday- May 27, 2023 "Open House" at Schenectady's Museum Print and Printmaking 

I continue to unearth beautiful signed and numbered prints  that are for sale at the Museum for a bargain basement price of $30. Unheard of price. I just found a series of horoscope prints that are beyond beautiful and not too big! The colors are amazing!!! Come down to the " Open House" this Saturday. Enjoy food, wine, friends and art! ( 2-5 pm.) All are welcome. 

Museum of Print and Printmaking : 150 Barrett Street, Schenectady. Street parking. One way street. 


Sue's new volunteer job! The Museum of Prints and Printmaking. Schenectady .

First and third Thursdays of the month from 4-7 pm, Sue will be volunteering at "The Print Club of Albany" located at 150 Barrett Street, Schenectady.  ( Except July and August.) An amazing collection of signed limited edition prints are on view! Rockwell Kent, Max Factor, and more!  You can also purchase excess prints for $30!!! 

 Come look!


Saratoga Arts "All Member Show" will be on display until January 7, 2023

The "All Member" art show will be on exhibit until January 7, 2023. Each member was allowed to submit one piece of art, so it's a pretty eclectic collection! I dedicated my image below to all the native  children taken from their families and forced to live in  barren, military style boarding schools starting in 1819 - 1969. These schools existed across the USA and Canada. Most children suffered in those boarding schools one way or another, some dying at their school for unknown reasons. Staff had no background checks done on them back then. Children were freely punished physically for being who they knew themselves to be. Other traumas  went unchecked. Records are lost due to lack of transparency, and lack of concern.  


SCHS / Schenectady NENY YWCA Festival of Trees 2022

The "Mom Tree" is up again in 2022 at the Schenectady YWCA by  popular request. Honoring all moms. They deserve it. We are also raffling off a big jar of candies. You guess how many. Closest guess wins. Winner announcement TBA. 


Last weekend at "The Rock" was our record breaking 70 degree weekend of November 5 and 6, 2022! 

See ya next year folks!