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Your photo's are amazing! I can only hope to be half as talented as you. Thanks for putting up your pictures at work, we need something to cheer us up there.

Hi Sue ! First of all ... what an "Outstanding Website" So nice to see JT at the top ! Also you are truly my "Number 1 Customer" as Your photos bring out the Best in my Creativity ! See what happens when two minds think alike ? Your photography is so inspirational and I am so glad to know you as I feel like you are part of my own family as you truly are like a Sister to me ! I always look forward to your projects , because you have the most Unique and very Spiritual photography ever ! Keep up the great work and as always ....... it's always a pleasure seeing your smiling face :-)
Your friends , Rob and Laura @}-;-'---

Thank you again for sharing your solo show "Double Take" with the patrons of the Town of Ballston Community Library in October of 2010 (and for teaching me about Magic Erasers). Your enthusiasm for what you do is contagious!

Suzie, finally checked out your website. Congratulations. Great job! Thank you for sharing your talent; always looking forward to seeing more.

Hi Sue! Your website is impressive. I'm glad you can share your work with so many others who appreciate and admire your photography. Your body of work brings to mind the classic portraits of Dorthea Lange. Keep up the great work so we can visit your website often!

Sue, it takes a special talent to capture just the right moment through a camera lens to be able to move others so deeply. You certainly have an eye for detail and for inspiring others with your work! All the best for continued success. Looking forward to working with you in 2011!

Sue: thank you for having the courage to follow your passion in a public format. It grants courage to all. You reach in with your lens and your love of your subjects to the heart of all the unsaid and bring it into the world to the said. You move the moment that is fleeting into eternal moments for all generations to come. Thank you for being a visionary, an advocate, a historian, and an artist. Congratulations on your award. I am sure there will be more to come.

Sue, all I can say is "WOW"!!!!! I'm so proud of you and how far you've come as a photographer in such a short period of time. You are truly one of the most amazing people I know. Rock on girlfriend.....

Sue - You are truly a talented and inspirational person! It's a pleasure to watch you continue to create through your lense, and your heart and to be such an incredible author of your life! :) Cindy & Big Daddy

Your photography is evocative and inspirational! I'm proud to know you and proud to know that YOUR inspiration started not only with your subjects but also with the possibilities you've created with your life in your programs with Landmark Education! Thank you for keeping all channels open and for being an inspiration for ours to keep our own open to what we'll create at every moment in life. And wow- what an award for you for 2010!

Sue, you are a beautiful person both in and out, the work you do is so meaningful and powerful...never stop being you...all the best to you...Maria

Sue, Your work is powerful yet reflects your soul. You are a joy and inspiration to us all!

you do amazing work, I hear you did a recent native american picture that is spectacular I can't wait to see it. You are an inspiration

Sue, we couldn't be more proud of your talent & success. You go girl!! Vicki & Bill

i think its great that your eye can now see all that stuff, i remember when you couldnt find the dumpster.
just kidding, i love you