APRIL 2018 : Hardwood Museum of Taos, New Mexico
Saturday, March 31, 2018 at 11:13AM
Sue Photography

I had a chance to visit many of the world class museums of Taos, New Mexico, while on a photography training a few years back. I very much enjoyed the town. I was lucky enough to meet up with the Blair family, whose history goes way back in Taos, to the days of catering for the cast and crew in a film called "Easy Rider." Ken Blair had a few stories about Dennis Hopper, and was sworn to secrecy an some stories! I enjoyed the tour I was given from Kenny.   The museums had  gorgeous exhibits,  expecially at  the Harwood. Currently,  (2018,) the Harwood is spotlighting women artists. Good for them! They have also created  "Women in the Arts Selfie Project"  in which I have submitted several. Friend Harwood Museum, and check out the selfies! Too much fun! 


Article originally appeared on SuePhotography.com (http://suephotography.com/).
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