July 2023: "Ghost Ranch - Georgia O'Keeffes Summer Home." Show at Lake Georgia's historic Wiawaka Resort.
2019 - EVENTS that Sue's photography is / will be exhibited in:
Saratoga All member Show (to January 4, 2019.)
Schenectady Historical Society - Hurricane Irene
Altamont Fair
Saratoga Arts All Member Show
Downtown Schenectady Halloween Show
Saratoga Library solo exhibit
1/25/17 - (1-2 PM.) Dr. Daniel Way and Sue welcome all to Dr. Dans lecture and book signing at the Mabee Farm's Franchere Center. Dr. Dan will be speaking on the development of the last of his photography books, this time honoring past patients /veterans of WWII. A wonderful book. "We Were There." Bring your kids, grandparents, and or a veteran!
August 2017 - Altamont Fair - Fine Arts Barn Photography Competition. - Sue always has 4 professionally framed photographs in competition. Come see the talented photographers that enter this superb competiton. It just gets better and better every year!
October 2017- As a long-standing member of Saratoga Arts Council, Sue will be exhibiting her photography at the Saratoga Library Center Hall Gallery. Whatever she displays will be interesting! and new!
December 2017 - 1st Saturday in December. 6-8 PM. - Saratoga Arts All Member Art Show. It just gets bigger every year!
EVENTS -2016
Picturing Johnny Thorpe
An art show featuring the life of trapper and treasure-hunter, Johnny Thorpe (1933-2015), will take place on Saturday, July 9 at the Stony Creek Free Library from 4:30-7:30 p.m. A memorial gathering will precede the show from 3:00-4:30 at the Stony Creek Inn.
The art show will feature the photographic works of Thorpe’s personal photographer, Sue Clark. Also on display will be many artifacts and pieces from Thorpe’s personal collection.
Thorpe was well-known to generations of outdoor enthusiasts. He trapped and lived off the land. He was a staff writer for many national outdoor magazines. His articles first appeared in Fur, Fish, and Game in 1956, and continued to appear in magazines as he neared his 8th decade. He also was the first chainsaw carver in the Adirondacks. Many of his exquisite hand carved and stained totem poles can be found throughout the Adirondacks and other parts of the USA. “The Rifleman,” Chuck Connors, was one of his customers.
Johnny was also a legendary treasure hunter, locating gold and other treasures from the caves in the Adirondacks to the Superstition Mountains of the Southwest. His legend only grows bigger since his passing, and many in the community have waited for this day to pay their respects to their beloved friend, Mr. Johnny Thorpe.
The show will feature the collective works of professional photographer, Sue Clark (SuePhotography.com), who specializes in rustic character portraits and western scenes that capture the simplistic beauty of real life. Her award-winning photographs have been featured in magazines, books, and galleries.
A feature black-and-white portrait of Thorpe will be raffled and proceeds will be donated to the Stony Creek Free Library.
The public is invited to attend this free event. Hors d’oeuvres, wine, amd refreshments are welcome! For more information, contact the Stony Creek Free Library at 696-5911.
2/26/16 - Stony Creek Library Juried Photography Show - "Creature and Characters of the Adirondacks" Photography Show - Show is 2/26/16 - 4/1/16.
Artist reception is scheduled at Stony Creek Library, 2/26/16, from 7-9 PM. Wine, food and music!!! Stony Creek NY. Sue has agreed to be part of this photography show, and will featuring one of her fine art photos of Johnny Thorpe - a genuine Character of the Adirondacks!
Can't wait to meet all the other artists!
PAST Exhibits /Events - 2013
SEPTEMBER 22, 2013 - 1 - 4 PM. Closing reception at Sharon Crutes Beekman Street Gallery in Saratoga, for Sue's "ROCK and BONE: A PHOTOGRAPHY TRIBUTE TO GEORGIA O'KEEFFE'S BELOVED GHOST RANCH COUNTRY." www.sharoncrute.com
SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 - Sue and WWII Marine Corporal Dr.Tom Smith will be flying down to the WWII Memorial in Washington DC with the HONOR FLIGHT program. Their goal is to get all the WWII vets to see their WWII Memorial before theycan't go. They get to fly for free, thanks to many grants and Southwest Airlines. Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club will be escorting the veterans bus for the whole tour.
AUGUST and SEPTEMBER - Inside Saratoga Library is a lovely cafe, now managed by Saratoga Bread Basket. Sue currently has her "Tombstone" cowboy portraits on display, along with her much admired Navajo Code Talkers. The Cafe closes at 5 everyday. Be sure to go see, and then enjoy a bite to eat.
Friday, August 2nd 6-8 PM. "ROCK and BONE: A Photography Tribute to Georgia O'Keeffe's Legenday Ghost Ranch Country - Sue's NEW photography show! at Sharon Crutes Gallery - 73 Beekman Street, Saratoga. FREE Wine and eats!!! Come say Hi to your fav photographer and painter!
Friday, July 5th 6-8 PM. SARATOGA EVENT!!! Come and BE SEEN at historic Beekman Street Art Associations First Friday Artwalk on Historic Beekman Street in Saratogafound on the West side of Saratoga! Sues "Valley of the Dolls" photography will be on exhibit at Dynamic Equine Painter Sharon Crutes Gallery at 73 Beekman . Also enjoy Sharons fabulous, expressive paintings of historic Saratoga and current scenes of the track. Make it a date! All galleries and shops will be opened for your enjoyment with specials. Sharons Gallery will have some nibbles, and me! Avoid Rte 50 if there is a popular band at SPAC Friday night.
Saturday , June 15th - Georgia O'Keeffe Exhibit opening at Hyde Museum!
Sunday, June 9, 2013. 1-5 PM! Come back to Beekman Street Historical Art District, on the West side of Saratoga! Street vendors, food, arts and craft shows will be the highlight of the day, along with people watching...Be SEEN on Beekman! Come say Hi to Sharon Crute and Sue Clark!!!! at Sharon Crutes Gallery - 73 Beekman Street, and view Sharons colorful action paintings of Saratoga track equestrian scenes, and other subjects, along with Sues photography! Wine and Eats at the Crute Gallery for our visitors!!!
Friday Evening, June 7th, 2013. 6-8:30. Saratoga's Historic Beekman Street First Friday Art Walk - 6-8:30 pm. Sue's photography will be on display, at Sharon Crutes Gallery, at 73 Beekman Street, Saratoga. Haven't been on Beekman Street before? It's a MUST DO! Sharon is known for her explosive, colorful, equine paintings, among other subjects. She will also have the Worlds oldest quiller artwork on display. He will be present to talk to you too! All shops and galleries will be open until 8:30, and food and craft vendors will be on the streets. BE SEEN on BEEKMAN! FREE!!!
Saturday, June 1, 2013 - Charlton Little Red School House Art Show and Artist Reception. Artist reception will be Saturday June 1 from 12 - 2 PM. Finger foods and punch served! FREE! (You can see the Little Red School House from the Charlton Tavern steps!) The Art Show itself can be viewed Saturday, from 11-4 PM, and Sunday, 11-4 PM. Sunday will have the Charlton Green Market on the Charlton Green!!! Stop by Saturday and say Hello to Sue! She will have 4 photography prints on display! (Hint - Look for the Cowboys and Indians.)
Friday Evening - June 7, 2013 - 6PM to DUSK. First Friday Artwalk- Beekman Street Historic Art District, Saratoga, NY. Artist meet and greet, at Sharon Crute's Gallery "Saratogas Dynamic Equine Painter," with the ever magnetic Sue Clark -"Your Fav Photographer!" Sharon and Sue will be hosting a small meet and greet reception, with wine and eats, at Sharons Gallery, at 73 Beekman Street, Saratoga - 6-8 :30 PM, Friday June 7th. All shops and galleries will be open until dark that evening. Make it a date. Lots of places to eat there too!
May 17th - 1-4 PM. Opening Reception for "To Honor Our Veterans Art Show." Family and Children's Service of the Capital District. 650 Warren Street, Albany, NY is hosting a month long art show, that Honors our veterans!!! Several artists are in fact, veterans! Come meet all of us, at Family and Children's Services, 650 Warren Street, Albany NY. We will be in the Social Art Gallery, inside Family and Childrens Services! This building isd located directly behind the old Hibernian Hall or Irish Center, on Warren Street. Come view Sues veteran photography, including beautiful, full color portraits of some very elite Marines - the Navajo Code Talkers. I would LOVE to see you!
Friday May 3rd, 2013. Saratoga - Saratogas "Dynamic Equine Painter" Sharon Crutes Gallery is hosting an open house gallery event on Friday May 3rd, from 5-8 PM, at Sharons new gallery location - 73 Beekman Street, in the Historic Art District. It will be the first First Friday Art Walk that evening. Visit Sue, and Dynamic Equine Artist Sharon Crute, during the First Friday Artwalk! Sharon has selected part of Sue's "Valley of the Dolls" fine art photograph collection to exhibit. Sharon said she thinks the Valley subject matter is "edgy," and just right for an exciting display." Location: Historic Beekman Street Art District in Saratoga!!! The COOL place to be seen. Many of the shops and galleries will be opened late, and the street vendors will be numerous! 
May 17th, 2013, 1-4 PM. Artist reception!!!
May 6 - May 31, 2013 - "To Honor Our Veterans Art Show" - Sue has been invited to hang her veteran themed photography at Family and Children's Service of the Capital Region, 650 Warren Street, Albany, NY. They have a beautiful art gallery space. Janet Tanguay, of Art - N - Soul, requested Sues work.
April 2, 2013 - Check out the art website out of New Mexico - www.renegadefemme.com Sue just entered 3 fine art photos, from her fabled doll and mannequin photography body of work, called "Valley of the Dolls. " into the renegadefemme.com call for artists internet art show, "Body Beautiful, Body Bizarre." Stay tunes for the results!
March 2013
Sue has plans to work with Art-n-Soul art coach Janet Tanguay. Stay tuned for upcoming announcement regarding a future magazine article on Sue's career and direction!Benita Zahn, Nick, Janet Tanguay, Dr.Roger Wyatt, and Letitia Splain Dayer "Life On the Run" independent film actors, and Producers.
January 7, 2013 - Sue will be in Saratoga, continuing to photo-document Dr. Roger Wyatt's production of his independent film, "Life on the Run." Look up BBH Films, for more exciting news on this project! In the evening, all are invited to Mimosa Gallery for an artist reception, where Roger and his partner, and fellow artist, Letitia, will be showing their paintings, in the annual Mimosa Gallery show, titled " 10 x 10. 4-7 PM. FREE.
Photo below: Dr. Roger Wyatt - Producer: "Life On the Run."
June 2013 - Thought you guys might appreciate a look at Barn at Bassett House on Hudson. Letitia, below, owns the property. She and X hubby Keith did a TON of work to restore this historic property. It is a gem. It also is available for low - key celebrations. I truly mean that this property is an enchanted space... both inside the Barn, and outside. For example there is a roomyu deck off the barn, facing the water. There is also a peninsula that you can walk out to, after a short easy walk through the woods opposite the barn. There is even a bench or two to rest on. The river is a corridor for migrating birds, so much can be observed here. Last weekend was my first visit to the Barn at Bassett House.
2013 - HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!
Dr Roger Wyatt, Producer and Director, tapped me to document / photograph the making of his independent film, "Life On the Run," that attempts to answer the question, "Why do art?" We have filmed all over the Capital District since this Fall, with loads of actors, and cool locations. We will continue with this movie project through the Spring. A book will be produced to compliment the film. We are starting to pull in local stars ! TV anchors etc! Rogers partner, Letitia, an artist and film producer in her own right, owns Bassett Barn on the Hudson, anart space on the Hudson. Together, Roger and Letitia sponsor many events there. Look up Bassett House on the Hudson for updates on BBH Film.
2012 -
Saturday December 1st, 2012 - 6-8 pm - SARATOGA ARTS Annual ARTIST RECEPTION!!! Come join me, and all the other Saratoga Arts members, for the annual All Member Show and Artist Reception! Each of us gets to put in one artwork for the show. It is a wonderfully eclectic show, with potluck food / snack, and wine. Bring either! Free for all! DATE: Saturday December 1, from 6-8 PM, at Saratoga Arts, on Broadway, in Saratoga. We then (if not snowing!) plan on having dinner at Fortunes Restaurant, in the Saratoga Racino, where my latest solo Western photography show is.
October - December 14th, 2012 - FORTUNES Restaurant - Harness Track / Casino - Saratoga - 2nd floor. Sue will be exhibiting her western photography show, "Tombstone." We will all have dinner one night at Fortunes. Stay tuned for the date. You can watch the harness track races from the eagle nest restaurant view that Fortunes has! Fortunes also serves brunch.
September 2012 - Saratoga Library Hallway Gallery. Sues show,"My Heros Have Always Been Cowboys... and Indians," will be moving to the Saratoga Library Hallway Gallery in September. Go see, then stop into the Higher Grounds Cafe, in the Library, to have a bite to eat. One of my favorite paces to go!
August 14th - 19th, 2012. Altamont Fair -Fine Arts Barn. Sue will have 2 black and white, and 2 color prints in competition at the Altamont Fair!!! Go see if she is a winner!
August 1-29, 2012. - See Sues photography show, "My Heros Have Always Been Cowboys... and Indians" at Coffee Planet, 100 Milton Avenue, Ballston Spa - through August 29th.
JUNE / JULY See Sue's "Western Image Photography" show, at Higher Grounds Cafe in the Saratoga Springs Library. A great place to meet friends or grab a bite to eat.
JUNE - ? Samuels Cafe . A "military" art show, displaying anything military, will be on display at Samuels. Sue has one print in the show - "A Fathers Love," depicting a father sitting next to his son. The son is standing, in full uniform, at attention.
RENEGADEFEMME.COM - Sues photography was chosen to be the JULY 2012 featured artist for the website RENEGADEFEMME.COM. See the website renegadefemme.com for more of Sues work.
Saturday- June 9th , 2012. Artist Reception at Sharon Crutes Gallery, at 70 B Beekman Street, in Saratoga Springs. Time: 6-8 PM. Refreshments served. Come see the revived Beekman Street during this Saratoga Art Fest weekend, and come visit internationally known equine painter and artist Sharon Crute, hubby Mike Bray, and guest artist Sue Clark! Sue's "Back at the Ranch" Western Americana photography work will be on display for that weekend.
Sunday - June 10th, 2012. Sharon Crute artist reception w/Sue Clark extended to Sunday, 6/10, 1-5 PM, due to SPAC /Dave Matthews concert Saturday night, and traffic issues on Rte 50.
***You can still come Saturday night, but I would recommend arriving at 7:30. We will be there until 8:30.
January 14th - May 2012
Sues American West photography show, "True Grit." will be exhibited at:
"Samuels" -
258 Alplaus Ave, Alplaus NY. An intimate, small-town Wi-Fi cafe, with comfy seating, breakfast sandwiches, soups, muffins, gourmet coffee, lattes, teas, baked goods. Big screen TV. Bring your lap-top/friends/family/date! M-F, 7-5 PM, Sat - 8-3 PM, Sun - 8-2 PM. Show will be taken down Thursday , May 31st. Sue will be moving her photography to the Higher Grounds Cafe, located inside the Saratoga Library. for the months of June and July!
December -2011
December 3rd - 6-8 PM. Saratoga Arts All -Member show and potluck / artist reception. This is the fun one! We go out to dinner after!!! Bring a snacky dish for the reception, or wine to drink! Free, casual dress.
November -
November - December 1st - Jonesville Country Store. 2nd floor gallery.
November 6th - 1-3 PM - Jonesville Country Store- 989 Main Street, Clifton Park. Champagne and Brownie artist reception, for 5 artists that have work displayed in the second floor gallery at Jonesville Country Store! FREE, Casual dress. Great place to have a date , or go with girlfriends for a bite to eat. Check their website for music nights too!
August/September 2011 -
*August 1-September 30th. (NEW EXTENDED DATE!) Coffee Planet - 100 Milton Ave; Spa (Sue- solo show) Artist reception on First Friday! August 5th , from 6 - 8 PM, was fun! www.thecoffeeplanet.net
*July 31st - September 5th; Artist Space, 2nd floor. "Artist Choice" Art Show for Art-N-Soul membership only. - National Bottle Museum - 100 Milton Avenue, Ballston Spa. ***Reception - Sunday July 31st, 2-4PM FREE, with food and drink.
*August 3rd; "Halters off!" fundraiser for Peaceful Acres Horse Rescue Farm Saratoga Arts Center, Dee Sarno Theatre. Fundraiser for Peaceful Acres Horse Rescue Barn. Numerous artists, art auction, fashion show. $50 donation to get into event. Painter Frankie Flores will be there, along with Sharon Castro, including your favorite photographer! Sue will have 4 equine selections. Food / drink
*August 16th - 21st - Altamont Fair!!! - Sue will be entering 4 enlarged photography selections -1) Goat City, 2) Pine Grove Dairy Farm A, 3)Pine Grove Dairy Farm B, 4) King of Siam - Palatine Bridge Church Farm. Go to the Fine Arts Barn, near the Kareoke building. www.altamontfair.com
*MARCH 2011
March 18th - May 15th, 2011 - Sow's Ear Studio and Gallery - Upstairs gallery show - 1597 Union Street, Schenectady NY www.sowsearstudio.com
SOW'S EAR Artist reception- Friday night, March 18th, 5 - 8 PM. Sue will NOT be available at this reception , but WILL be present for the second reception, Friday, April 15th, so come say Hi.
*May 2011 -
Saratoga Arts Center Members HALL Gallery - 320 Broadway, Saratoga.
"True Grit" solo show
*June 2011 -
***Charlton Founders Day Weekend Art Show at the Little Red Schoolhouse, Spring Street, Charlton . Artist reception - Saturday June 4th 11 - 2 PM. Catered.
***Wesley Heathcare Center Gallery; Saratoga "TRUE GRIT" (solo show) June 1 - 30, 2011.
Sue's "True Grit" photography show, will be on exhibit during the month of June, at Wesley Gallery, on the Wesley Campus, in Saratoga. 133 Lawrence Street. Main entrance;Springs Building, of the. Wesley Senior Living Complex. "True Grit" will also be included, as part of the Saratoga Art Festival Weekend Celebration- June 9-12th, 2011.
There will be TWO Reception dates at the Wesley Gallery -
*Traditional "First Tuesday" reception date for the Wesley residents, friends. ALL art patrons are welcomed! - Tuesday, June 7th; 2011 (3-5 PM)
*For Saratoga Arts Festival Patrons, friends, residents; all are welcomed. - Friday - June 10th; 2011 - (6-8 PM) Charlton General Store Cookies for visitors!
The Wesley Gallery is a partner with Saratoga Arts Festival, consisting of 75 visual and performance art events, taking place all over Saratoga, from June 9 - 12, 2011. An art lovers delight! You can find more info about the Saratoga Art Festival weekend at: saratogaartfest.org
A festival guide, with all art happenings and locations, will be made available to the public in the near future.
*July 2011 -
Saratoga Visitors Center(solo show)
297 Broadway, Saratoga
Open M-F, 9-4 PM
December 1, (TODAY!!!) - Saratoga Arts All Member Art Show and potluck Artist Reception.FREE!!! Casual dress. Saratoga Arts : 320 Broadway, Saratoga, NY.TIME: 6:00 - 8:00 PM
Join me and the other Saratoga Arts artists for a wonderful night of art. Each member shows one selection of their art work. All are on sale at great prices and make unique Christmas gifts.Thank-you for all your support to me this year!!!
October - December 2012 - Saratoga Harness Track -Fortunes Restaurant Art Gallery- "Tombstone"
September 2012 - Sue's western photography show has moved to the Saratoga Springs Library. Go visit the hallway gallery! As Sue was hanging her show, many people were already commenting on the beauty of the subject matter!
It's ALTAMONT FAIR TIME!!! August 14th - 19th. Sue will have 4 fine art prints, on display, in the Altamont Fair Fine Arts Barn. Get ye to the Barn!!! The entrance is close to the main food aisle. The photography competiton is fierce, with 1, 2, and 3 place ribbons awarded for the best!
August - Coffee Planet - Ballston Spa cafe.thecoffeeplanet.net Sue will have a show for the month of August, at Coffee Planet. ( 100 Milton Avenue) Lots of good eats!!! and gelato / ice cream, sandwiches etc. Ballston Spa Film Competiton happens throughout the first weekend in August. Movies all over town!
August- Altamont Fair. Sue will once again have 4 photography selections entered in the fair competiton. They can be seen in the Fine Arts Building on the fairgrounds, when the fair opens this August.
June / July - Higher Grounds Cafe - Saratoga Springs Library Caffe - Sue's "Western Images" photography show has moved to the Higher Grounds Caffe, 49 Henry Street, Saratoga Springs, located inside Saratoga Springs Library. The show is up now until July 30th. Healthy food, wonderful sunny ambiance, and free Wi-fi connection, at the Higher Grounds Cafe.
AUGUST - Coffee Planet - Ballston Spa - A really cool cafe with weekend entertainment, desserts, soups, ice cream, gourmet coffees! AND the Ballston Spa Film Festival.
August 14-19 - Altamont Fair photography competiton -Altamont Fair Fine Arts Barn (Fine Arts Barn is the barn closest to the ferris wheel area.) Sue will have 4 selections. Look for Sues name, either on artist list, or her trademark signature.)
September - Saratoga Springs Library Hall Gallery. www.sspl.org/
October / November/ December - Saratoga Casino and Raceway - Fortunes Restaurant Gallery!!! Meet Chef Shaun Nash. saratogacasino.com
December 1 - 31. Saratoga Arts All Member show!!! - Artist reception for 2012 is Saturday, December 1st, from 6-8 PM. www.saratoga-arts.org
June 9 - 16 - Sues "Way Out West" photography show remains in Sharon Crutes Gallery, June 9 -16th, at 70 B Beekman Street, Schenectady.
June 9th- (Saturday) 5-8 PM.Sharon Crutes Gallery - 70 Beekman Street -Saratoga, NY
Sues Saratoga debut / artist reception, at internationally famous equine painter Sharon Crutes Gallery- 70 Beekman Street, Saratoga.
June 10th (SUNDAY) 1-5 PM Artist Reception extended to second day, due to SPAC traffic Saturday Night. Sharon GCrutes Gallery 70 B Beekman Street, Saratoga, NY
June 2,3 - ( Saturday. Sunday) Charlton Historical Society Little Red School House Art Exhibit - Maple Avenue, Charlton. 11 - 4 PM, both Saturday and Sunday, - Artist Reception: Saturday, June 2nd. 11-2 PM. Catered.
May 4th - (Friday) 6-8 PM. Find Suzie working Beekman Street, in Saratoga, in support of Beekman Street Friday Night Art Walk.
To May 31st - Sues photography show continues at Samuels.
April 22nd; 2-6 PM - Artist reception for Sue, at Samuels. 258 Alplaus Ave Alplaus. Drawing for print "Saratoga Siesta, " will be held at 5:30 PM. Stop by, buy some $1 raffle tickets now! All proceeds to benefit the Rotterdam Junction Womens Auxiliary, for flood relief victims activities.
March 14th 7:00 PM - ARTISTS SPEAKING ENGAGEMENT with the Rexford Womens Club about my photography career. Refreshments served. Location-Samuels; 258 Alplause Ave., Alplaus. Public invited.
JANUARY 14TH - MAY, 2012. SOLO PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW -Samuel's Coffee, Goods and Wi-Fi Cafe -Alplaus, NY. Missing your Barnes and Noble comfy space? Bring your laptop to SAMUEL'S, have a bite to eat or order gourmet coffee! Located in the quaint little hamlet of Alplaus NY, it's also a great gallery space for visiting artists. Sue will have a western themed photography show, ( WILD, WILD West) with new additions, for your viewing pleasure. APRIL ARTIST RECEPTION DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED. Raffle tickets will be sold, from January to the artist reception date in April, for a chance to win a signed, limited edition print of Sues. All money from the raffle of Sues print will be donated to the Rotterdam Junction Fire Department Women's Auxiliary, for any projects they choose, that will benefit flood victims.
*OCTOBER / NOVEMBER / DECEMBER- 2012. Fortunes Restaurant!!! @ Saratoga Casino Harness Track.
(The Harness Track stays open almost to Christmas. FORTUNES is upstairs at the Harness Track Racino, with head chef and great food.)
* August / September 2013 - Fortunes Restaurant!!!
Saratoga Racino and Harness Track!!! How lucky am I?
Through DECEMBER 31st - Trustco Bank. CLOSED. Sue has two new, beautiful Navajo Code Talker portraits by Sue. Sue met a group of the Code Talkers in September 2011, on a recent photography romp through the Southwest. I consider it an honor to have been able to speak to these veterans.
DECEMBER 3RD - The Saratoga Arts CLOSED. All-member show and reception. 320 Broadway- Saratoga. 6-8 PM. Dress casual. FREE event. Wonderful collection of art work by all the members of Saratoga Arts. Come at 7 PM. We will all go out for a bite in Saratoga, at the Inn at Saratoga, at 8 PM! Bring a snack OR wine, to share at the artist reception. Sue will be exhibiting a new, limited edition photography print - "The Rifleman," taken on location in White Sands , New Mexico.
NOVEMBER 6th - 1-3 PM - FREE Champagne and Brownie! artist reception at the Jonesville Country Store 2nd floor gallery. Come say Hi to Sue, and several other artists on display! Love to see you!
October 15 -December 1, 2011. Sue has 7 beautiful fine art photography prints on exhibit, and for sale, at the Jonesville Country Store, in Clifton Park. If you haven't been out there - go treat yourself to some very creative and healthy meal selections on the first floor, and view 7 artists work on the second floor! Location - 989 Main Street, Clifton Park. Breakfast, Lunch and dinner served. Entertainment Friday and Saturday evenings. Beer / wine. www.thejonesvillestore.com 877-0507.
CHAMPAGNE and BROWNIE artist reception- SUNDAY,November 6th, from 1-3 PM. Come say HI to Sue and the other artists on display in the upstairs gallery, at the Jonesville Country Store!
October 15- 28 - Schenectady Civic Players Theatre - Stockade. Sues "Valley of the Dolls" is enjoying its second debut, in the Schenectady Civic Players Green Reception Room, the meeting space at intermission, etc. Their first play of the season,"Leading Ladies," opened tonight. (10/14/11) Many people enjoyed looking at Sues photography selection of dolls and manikins. The fireballs were popular too. Artist reception date TBA.
NEW NEWS FLASH!!! COFFEE PLANET, and owner Cliff, has elected to continue to exhibit Sues "True Grit" show, through the month of October. Ballston Spa is a happening town in October, including "The Way We Were" Car Show Weekend, and the MOHU Festivities! Visit Coffee Planet for a bite to eat, and see Sues show! No, you can't take that handsome cowboy home, unless you purchase him. Same for the cowgirls! Sue will have another small artist reception Friday night Oct 14th, from 6-8 PM, at Coffee Planet, to coincide with Ballston Spas Gallery Hopping Night! Come in and say Hi!
8/3/11: "Halters Off!" Saratoga horse rescue fundraiser for Peaceful Acres. 5-8 PM. $50 DONATION. Champagne, food, auction, art show/sale, Dee Sarno Theatre Saratoga Arts Center. A must -do event for horse lovers!
7/1/11 - 7/30/11 "True Grit" photography show travels to the Saratoga Springs Visitors Center at 297 Broadway, Saratoga.Gallery Hours: 9 - 4 PM; Mon - Sat.
Sues Artist reception - 7/23/11; 1-4 PM. Saratoga Springs Visitors Center at 297 Broadway, Saratoga. Food and good company. Also bring in your parents/ hippy days turquoise, to trade or sell!
6/7/11 - 3-5 PM - Sue - artist reception. Wesley Comunity Care Center Gallery . 133 Lawrence Avenue, Saratoga. Wesley Senior Complex. Spring building. Refreshments available!
6/4/11 and 6/5/11 - Charlton Historical Society Old School House Art Show, Maple Avenue, Charlton;11-5 PM each day. - Catered artist reception: Saturday 6/4, Noon to 2 PM. Come say Hi to the Charlton artists! Some good bargains are to be had with the local art work on display.
6/2/11 - 6/30/11 - "True Grit" photography show, for the month of June, will be hosted by the Wesley Health Care Center Gallery; main (covered) entrance, Spring Building Gallery - 131 Lawrence Street - Saratoga. Wesley phone #587-3600.
Directions from Rte 50: Left onto Broadway, driving North. Go through Downtown Saratoga. At stoplight and Stockade Imports brick Building near Saratoga City Center, take hard left onto Van Dam Street. Go 4-5 Blocks. Take a right by old school (#77 Van Dam ,) onto Lawrence Street. Follow Lawrence to end into Wesley Complex. Follow signs short distance to Wesley Health Care Center Visitor Parking. Park! Enter Spring building(with covered entrance.) Gallery will be on your left, down hallway. There is a beautiful atrium area right outside the Gallery, where you can rest and read a book. Spend the day and relax. It is truly quiet and serene there.
Two artist receptions will be held. All are welcomed anytime.
Wesley Health Care Ceneter reception #1 - Tuesday 6/7/11 - 3-5 PM. Cookies! I understand a ton of folks who live in the complex will be there, and that they are excited to see the artists, and speak with them!
Wesley Health Care Center reception #2- Friday 6/10/11 - 6-8 PM, as part of Saratoga Arts Weekend! Eats and good conversation. Friends and I will be riding into Saratoga, for dinner after the reception. Come join us!
Stop on by, to either reception.
5/3/11 - 5/28/11 - "True Grit" Western themed photography Show - new prints! Saratoga Arts Members Hall, 320 Broadway, Saratoga. Gallery Hours - 11-5 PM; M-SAT.
SOWS EAR STUDIO AND GALLERY ART SHOW HAS BEEN EXTENDED UNTIL MAY 14TH, due to popularity!!! 1597 Upper Union Street. Go take a peak at Sues 4 fine art selections! and all the other wonderful artists selections.
*3/18/11 - 4/29/11 Sow's Ear Studio and Gallery juried art show.
Friday, April 15th, 2011: Sows Ear Artist Reception 5-8 PM. Come say Hi to Sue! Sows Ear-1597 Union Street
The folks at Sows Ear Studio and Gallery have selected to exhibit 4 of Sues photography selections, including-"King of Siam", "Swan Lake I and II, and "Sundancer" - Sues explosive new Native American dancer print - pure energy!
1/12/11 "HORSE WHISPERER" print strikes again!!!
This photo capture of a horse, reaching out to another horse, has been juried into the Pacific Art League art show "Works on / of Paper", in Palo Alto, California! How cool is that?
*Photographer Forum "Best of Photography, 2010"
Sue's black and white equine fine-art print, "Horse Whisperer," was chosen as a finalist, by pro-photographer judges selected by Photographer Forum Magazine. The judges task was enormous - to wade through 35,000 internationally submitted photographs, and select the Finalists. "Horse Whisperer" will be printed Photographer Forums "Best of Photography; 2010" book, this year. The book will be on sale at high - end book stores, very soon.
*May 2011- Saratoga Arts Members Hall; Saratoga Arts Center -Broadway
*June 2011 - Wesley Gallery; solo show!
*July 2011 - Saratoga Visitors Center- solo show!
*August 2011 - Coffee Planet; Ballston Spa solo show!
* October 1 - December 1 Jonesville Store Art Gallery