Blog Stuff for 2024/2025!!! 


Entries by Sue Photography (139)


Charlton Historical Society Art Exhibit and artist reception June 2,3rd, 2012

Come see the historical Charlton School House , on Maple Avenue, in Charlton.  It is a cute space for the Charlton artists art exbhibit. Sue will have several selections on exhibit -  "Swan Lake I," and "Swan Lake II."

The artist reception will be Saturday, 6/2/12,  from 12 - 2, in the Little Red School house! A lovely table to food will be available!!



First Friday Art Stroll at Beekman Street Saratoga

Drive up to Beekman Street, in Saratoga Springs,  and enjoy a night of art. Check out  internationally famous  painter of all things equine, and more... Sharon Crute, and her gallery at 70 B Beekman Street.  Sharon and hubby  Mike Bray are set to revive that lovely art section of the City, and are doing a fine job of it!


Sue has her new show up now at Higher Grounds Cafe in the Saratoga Springs Library!

I must say  my Western Photography looks smashing inside the "Higher Grounds Cafe!" Lots of healthy , tasty food choices there too! Go see, and enjoy a relaxing space! The show will  be there until the end of July.


Sue and the Ladies (and men,) of the National Barrel Horse Association. 

Had a great time as usual, photographing the National Barrel Horse Association Championships, and the women that compete with their beloved horses.  The women  are nothing short of inspirational, for the work they take on, and the love they show for their partners - their dancing, prancing  horses, that are  always ready to explode into racing competition. I did that Saturday. Today I noticed a new photography competition - Marie Clairs International Photography Competition, via Paris. It requires a single day event, 10 pictures show- casing women!!! WELL, WELL doesn't  God work in mysterious ways! I sent in 10 pictures to the magazine. They will select a Grand Winner and 10 Honorable Mentions. I don't get my hopes up as 1000's of photographers  submit to these competitions. Marie Claire Magazine announces the winners in September. The competition will be on-line and printed in a magazine. Keep your fingers crossed!

I had the pleasure of photographing Sue Fiore, District Director of NY 03 - National Barrel Horse Association. She was a wonderful model, and  a major competitor this weekend, along with her daughter Sheralee. Both are Co-Directors. Sheralee is also a champion competitor herself. I had no idea these two ladies were a mother, daughter team. I have taken Sheralees photo in the past years.  

Thats it for now! See ya in Saratoga Saturday June 9th, 6-8 PM,  at 70 B Beekman Street, Saratoga Springs Art District and Sharon Crutes Gallery.


Working Beekman Street in Saratoga!

Yes, it is true! Myself, and several other artists, set up shop and displayed our talents in the Beekman Street Art District, in Saratoga, in support of the revitalization of that beautiful art district, and at the invitation of that dynamic duo, Mike Bray and Sharon Crute, of Sharon Crute Gallery. They took over the Old Mimosa Gallery location, and are spearheading the effort to breath life back into Beekman Street. From the visitors seen strolling Beekman Street tonight, this area is HOT! Tonight was the first of the Friday Night Art Walks. Come down Friday June 1st for the next monthly Friday Night Art Walk. Too much fun! On Saturday, June 9th. I will be have my fine art photography on display inside Sharon and Mikes gallery.How exciting is that??? An artist reception will be held from 5-8 PM, and is a must do for all my fans! Do come! Eats and drinks and then out to dinner!