Updated: Winter 2025
I spoke too soon! I am going to participate in a few shows this winter.
I'll have my image from my DollFace Collection - "Altamont Tattoo Girl" in downtown Schenectady's Jay Street "Bear and Bird Gallery and Boutiques "All- In" art show from 1/24/25-3/8/25. They specialize in vintage/ contempt print artists ... so my mannequin will fit right in for a change!
Sue's December 2024 front cover image for Your Hometowne Magazine!
As a longstanding member, I am aware that Saratoga Arts is in the midst of refurbishing their space, so most gallery events are closed down. The "Member Only" show was also cancelled for winter 2024/2025. That really means I have no chance to actually interact with the public while showing my work. No artist receptions/meet and greets are allowed in the assigned public spaces that Saratoga Arts supervises too. So... I wanted to expand my options for showing my work to new audiences.
So I did a thing...
I joined the Paul Nigra Center for the Arts in Gloversville to broaden my horizons and open up more opportunities to show my photography. A long driveway surrounded by green forest and studded with sculpture took me to a beautiful building with a Frank Lloyd Wright vibe. I was liking this trip already! The interior of the art center is all glowing wood, stone and glass. I recognized a number of names in the current "All- member" show. (I missed the deadline.) The schedule for next year's shows exhibit numerous art show opportunities so... I am now a Paul Nigra member. Can't wait to invite you all out when I have work hanging hopefully this spring.
November/December First and third Mondays of the month from 4-7pm I continue to play at The Museum of Prints and Printmaking in Schenectady, weather permitting.
PAST: Summer/ Fall 2024
I will be updating the 2024 events calendar as dates are booked, so check the events section of this website often. I simply adore welcoming you into any of the art shows and events I am participating in.
*7/5/24 - 8/31/24: Group Show. "Hello Sunshine Bagel Bistro."
I have 5 black and white "western theme" images on display at a new business located at 185 Canada Street, Lake George, called "Hello Sunshine Bagel Bistro." Open 7 days/ week, 8-2 PM.
* 7/17/24: Wiawaka - "Ghost Ranch" Photo Show - CANCELLED.
***4/20/24- June 26, 2024: Saratoga's Spring Street Gallery exhibit. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. (4-7pm)
"Impressions." 4 outstanding artists and a community "Mail Art" project which I participated in, bringing history alive with US Marshall Bass Reeves name. Look him up.
***5/11/ 24: (Saturday - 2-5 pm) Museum of Prints and Printmaking Open House! Wine, eats, prints, fun. Deann Prosia - print artist "Meet and Greet." 150 Barrett Street . Downtown Schenectady.
5/30/24: YWCA Art show Artist Reception. 5:30...
***6/1/24 - 6/ 30/24. SCHENECTADY YWCA ART SHOW. Sue will have some of her "Doll Face " photography on exhibit and for sale! - 6/30/24. Northeastern NY YWCA Art Show. Open every day. 44 Washington Avenue, Schenectady.
So... Welcome! to Sue Clark's photography website. Click on the top bar to view any of my photo galleries.Thinking of hiring Sue? She welcomes your commission requests for senior photos, family photos, equine / pet photography, your show car, product photography, creating a wedding photo book of your beautiful day (in addition to your primary photographer) and more! Makes great gifts for family and friends. Contact Sue with your requests. Reasonable rates. Can be on the scene within the Capital District quickly. Will travel. Specializes in providing you with the best photo "eye-candy" to include on your Facebook and other social media accounts. One price covers travel time, shoot time, and editing to digital delivery time.
Questions? Email: suec.photography@gmail.com
"Welcome!" It's about time you found me! *Click on any picture in the galleries to open, and enlarge, that photo. You will see I have a soft spot for western genre and equine subjects, but also capture other exceptional subjects, such as my "Valley of the Dolls" body of work, showcasing the extraordinary faces of dolls and mannequins found at county fairs, antique shops or left behind somewhere for some reason. Somebody used to love that doll...
View my events listing, then come say "Hello!" to any of the listed events/artist receptions. I would love to see you.
Also, please consider signing my guest book. To do so, look over to the left, click on Sign My Guest Book, and start writing! It is that simple. Don't forget to tell about what YOU do, and how to find your website, if you have one. If you liked a particular photo of mine in the Gallery, let me know!
NBHA Member
Many of the Old West characters you see on this website were shot on the streets of Tombstone, Arizona. They live and breath the history of Cochise County's most famous town. Yes Sir or Ma'am... they are packin' heat. Stop in to any of the historic saloons, but be prepared to hand over your weapons. At night, when Tombstone closes up, go out to the outskirts of town, look up at the twinkling stars, and listen to the wind blow. You might even catch a coyote chorus. Now that's what's called the "Spirit of the Old West."
So... For a long time, I have been acutely aware of the relationship through the camera lens of light, subject, and background, and the delicate dance it takes to produce a masterpiece in photography. I became intrigued by the layering that makes great composition in photography, when I became a fan of the great 1941 black and white film classic, "How Green Was My Valley," directed by John Ford. This movie was about a Welsh mining town, the Morgan family, and the impact of the progression of the Industrial Age on their lives. Shot in black and white, every frame in that movie shows perfect composition. From foreground to background, everything worked. The use of light was particularly sublime in this classic. The cinematography in this film gem still fascinates me, and certainly is a benchmark for what is possible in film. The movie won an Academy Award for best B/W cinematography, (courtesy of Arthur Miller,) which is indicative of how great the visuals were, and still are, to this day.
I see that my goal as a photographer, lucky me, is to not settle for anything less than what inspires my passion - finding the astoundingly simple beauty that is present in life, everyday. Photographing gems.
I know you will enjoy my website, so go ahead and look around. Feel free to keep checking in to my events calendar, and blog. I promise to update it regularly, unless I am kidnapped by aliens. Then I have to do a photo series... might take a while...
Look for our favorite activity - the artist "meet and greet" reception dates! Who doesn't like a free bite to eat, seeing friends, and meeting celebrities (me, among others.) Be the FIRST on your block to say you attended an artist reception! Other reception goers have been straight about it, and told me that they make artists receptions a regular part of their feeding schedule. Sneaky meal planning. Still others go and purchase / add one piece of artwork per show to their own art collection. So, whatever the reason, grab a group, and come to any of the artist receptions you see announced on my website. Have a good time and come as you are!
My website has a "Sign My Guest Book" comment section - Scroll down the home page, and look for Sign Guest Book on the left. Click on it to add a comment. I would LOVE to hear from you!
Meanwhile... I will be out and about with the camera...
Found quotes to astound, amuse and adopt.
"After all, we are just walking each other home." Ram Das
"A GOOD SNAPSHOT STOPS A MOMENT FROM RUNNING AWAY." Pulitzer prize winner and photographer of Depression era photographs- "One Time, One Place." - by Eudura Alice Welty (1909-2001)
"When you take a flower in your hand, and really look at it, it's your world at the moment. I want to give that world to someone else." Georgia O'Keeffe - Painter, Wanderer of Ghost Ranch Country - Abiquiu, New Mexico (1887-1986)
"And at the end of the day, I stopped by the side of the road pausing time, taking in the spectacle of loneliness in all its sun setting beauty. Sounds of coyotes fill the distance between the past and now. The land made love to my heart again and again, until I began to cry, and at that moment I realized how great it was to be alive." "The New Day" (author unknown.)
"In the brightest of moonbeams, in the rustling of the trees, in the blooming of flowers, in the sweetest kind of dreams, her love lives on in the most beautiful places you can imagine." Dedicated to Grace.
NORTH (red) is the way of Courage to face the future.
EAST (yellow) is the path of Wisdom.
SOUTH (white) is a reminder to be generous.
WEST ( black) is the place of quiet respect.
Sue's Thought for the Day: When enjoying the great outdoors, remember the Photographers Motto: If you and your friend come across a grizzly bear, you don't have to outrun the grizzly bear, you just have to outrun your friend.
"Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others." - Aristotle (See exception with bears, above.)
"When you talk, you repeat what you already know. When you listen, you often learn something." Jared Sparks
"If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done." Author unknown
"Sometimes, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes, in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself. Author unknown
"Not all who wander are lost." Author unknown
"The holiest of holidays are those, kept by ourselves in silence and apart, the secret anniversaries of the heart." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
"The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before. " Albert Einstein
Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be the shelter for each other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be the warmth for the other. Now you are two persons, but there is only one life before.
Go now to your dwelling place to enter into the days of your life together. And may your days be good and long upon the earth. Treat yourselves and each other with respect, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together.
Give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves. When frustration, difficulty and fear assail your relationship – as they threaten all relationships at one time or another – remember to focus on what is right between you, not only the part which seems wrong. In this way, you can ride out the storms when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives – remembering that even if you lose sight of it for a moment, the sun is still there.
And if each of you takes responsibility for the quality of your life together, it will be marked by abundance and delight.
"The Carver and the Photographer; Kindred Spirits" - National Bottle Museum Jan Rutland Art Space.
Carver Johnny Thorpe and Photographer Sue Clark. *Johnny Thorpes hand carved and stained totem poles and table tops. Sue Clarks American Western, Equine, and Northwest Alaskan photography.
*It was an honor to show my photography with Mr. Johnny Thorpe. I have decided to leave this expired show announcement up for all time, in honor of my dear friend. RIP to a man that was something.
Johnny Thorpe: The Man, The Myth, The Legend.
8/1/35 - 10/27/15
to all that attended our opening reception. We had some very special visitors including our friends the Bruchacs, Mohawk storyteller Kay Olan from The Ndakinna Education Center of Greenfield Center; Director James Mandle - Founder of the Adirondack Folk School,- Director Todd DeGarmo of the Center for Folklife, History and Cultural Programs of the Crandall Public Library, Town of Charlton Supervisor Alan Grattige, Charlton Historical Society President Deb Herrin, Charlton Town Historian Laura Linder, and many other friends and visitors. This was the first time Johnny's extraordinary wood carving talent was showcased in a "gallery" setting. His carvings are located all over the Adirondacks, and also in the Southwest, where he owned numerous trading posts. His work is admired by many wood carvers. He continues to carve every summer. World renowned Alaskan native totem carver Tommy Joseph,(Sitka, AK,) after virtually viewing Johnny's totem carvings in this show, commented that he someday wants to come to New York to meet Johnny, and view his work personally. The town officers of Charlton came to visit the show, due in part to recently becoming aware that Johnny is a part of their town history. You see, JT was a horse farrier at one time, serving many of the Adirondack Lake Luzurne dude ranches in their tourist heyday - (1950's.) He began to specialize in horses with special horseshoe needs. This brought him to the Charlton, NY area, where he serviced many farms. Johnny was farrier to the famous Saratoga Harness Track record holder / Saratoga Hall of Fame trotter, "Victory Lind." This record holding horse was stabled at the Corbins Farm, in Charlton, in the 60's. Victory Lind broke so many records, he was eventually inducted into Saratoga Harness Track Hall of fame in '2002. The Corbins could afford the very best care for their horses, and chose Johnny to shoe Victory Lind in the 1960's.
JT never ceased to amaze me with his list of "been there, done that." He is of Sac-Fox native heritage, and creates beautiful reproductions of Indians artifacts. He also is a wood carver of Northwest design totem poles, and has been an honored guest at numerous pow-wows in the area. He is also a member of the elite National Trappers Hall of Fame after putting up record breaking numbers of furs from the bogs of Canada, the deserts of the Southwest, the Adirondacks, and land in between. He has written several books, and was treated as a celebrity at trapping conventions, with fans often seeking autographs and a personal word with him. To hang with JT has been an exercise in watching and listening. No one can hold a candle to the life experiences that that man has had. I am honored to be associated with him, and to be authentically accepted by him as a "best friend." I also vote him the "Coolest Cat" in the Adirondacks.
Please venture over to the events calendar, to see WHAT'S NEXT!